March 25th Full Moon Intention and Affirmation

The full moon is upon us, so I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used the Smith Waite tarot deck, and we pulled Strength, the Three of Swords, and the Eight of Swords. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: Hardship is a universal experience. For me, challenges have revealed a strength I didn’t know I possessed. This strength is rooted in the ability to extend kindness and understanding towards myself, even in the face of hardship.

Affirmation: Self compassion is a sign of inner strength.

In the throes of panic or intense emotions, the Strength card offers powerful guidance. It reminds us that true strength lies in quiet control, not aggression. Like the woman gently holding the lion's jaws, we can approach challenges with grace and self-compassion.

This archetype isn't about overcoming challenge but finding stillness within it. By taking a deep breath and connecting with inner calm, we can tap into intuition to navigate difficult emotions. The Strength card doesn't promise sunshine and rainbows, but empowers us to face challenges with courage, self-love, and unwavering inner strength.

The Three of Swords has reappeared (we pulled it on the new moon), inviting us to glean more wisdom from this archetype. This card portrays a heart pierced by three swords, set against a backdrop of rain and stormy clouds. It speaks to emotional pain, deep hurt, and the challenges we face in the wake of heartbreak, sorrow, betrayal, separation, or conflict.

The Eight of Swords depicts a blindfolded figure surrounded by eight swords, seemingly trapped and unable to move forward. These swords represent mental or emotional barriers that restrict our freedom. This card signifies feeling stuck, limited by indecision or self-imposed constraints.

However, the swords don't form a complete circle. There's a path out, obscured by the blindfold but accessible. This suggests that by relying on intuition (feeling senses) rather than just logic, we can navigate through these limitations and find our way forward.

When these three cards appear together it can suggest a challenging situation that requires inner strength to overcome. Inner strength is a powerful force that allows us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. It's not about physical prowess, but about the mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude that keeps us going when things get tough.

While inner strength is undeniably valuable, it's not without its complexities. Unwavering resolve can morph into stubbornness, emotional control can turn into suppression, and self-reliance can lead to neglecting support systems. True inner strength walks a tightrope – it's about using your unwavering spirit for growth, maintaining empathy, and acknowledging that even the strongest sometimes need help.

Here are some journal prompts to support your selfcare and spiritual practices.

  • Write a letter to a part of yourself that feels hurt or betrayed. What does it need to hear right now? How can you offer yourself gentleness and compassion?

  • What resources or support systems are available to you that you might be overlooking? What small step could you take today to feel less restricted by your emotions?

  • List five things you admire about your own inner strength. How can you tap into these qualities to help you overcome the limitations you're currently facing?

Remember, inner strength is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to develop these qualities. By cultivating them, you can build a strong foundation for navigating life's challenges and living a fulfilling life.

How’s it going in your world? Have you had to tap into inner strength to overcome obstacles lately?

Do share, you know I love to hear from you.


April 8th New Moon Intention and Affirmation


March 10th New Moon Intention and Affirmation: The Personal is Political