March 10th New Moon Intention and Affirmation: The Personal is Political

New Moon Blessings: Tarot Insights Await!

The new moon is upon us, so I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with.

This moon cycle I used the Golden Art Nouveau tarot deck, and we pulled the Ace of Cups, the Three of Swords, and the Three of Cups. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: This moon cycle let's explore how individual experience intersects with a broader picture.

Affirmation: My voice and actions contribute to building a world where all identities and experiences are valued and respected.

While contemplating the concept of intersections, the phrase “the personal is political” popped in my head. This idea represents exactly what it implies, the intersection of our personal experiences with political infrastructure. It comes from Carol Hanisch’s essay published in 1970 titled "The Personal Is Political.”

While 'the personal is political' ignited the 1970s feminist movement by challenging traditional gender roles, its scope has evolved to encompass a broader range of social issues.

Here are some examples from my lived experience. As a resident of Vancouver, Washington, the impacts of climate change are becoming more personal, and in turn, deeply political. Increasingly severe droughts and the escalating risk of wildfires directly impact the safety and air quality of my community.

While my home hasn’t come close to catching fire, I know others who haven’t been so lucky. Government policies on wildfire management and climate change mitigation directly impact the well being of my community.

With deep respect, I acknowledge that I reside on the traditional homelands of the Cowlitz people. This recognition fuels my commitment to understanding intersectional experiences, particularly those related to climate change, climate justice, and righting historical wrongs. Supporting the Land Back movement is a crucial part of this commitment.

Guided by this moon cycle’s archetypes, let’s explore how individual experience intersects with a broader picture.

Ace of Cups: Overflowing with abundance and the potential for connection, The Ace of Cups resonates deeply with the ‘the personal is political’ sentiment. Looking at the card you see four streams of water pouring into a pool or pond. This symbolizes individual stories flowing into a larger collective experience, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things.

Three of Swords: An archetype of pain, sorrow, and suffering the Three of Swords can represent how political decisions and societal issues impact our emotional well-being. Witnessing political turmoil, experiencing the consequences of discriminatory policies, or facing economic hardship all contribute to feelings of heartache, disappointment, and frustration.

Three of Cups: This archetype highlights the importance of connection and community. The political implications of personal experiences often rely on building coalitions and collective action to address societal issues. 

The Three of Cups depicts three women celebrating together, symbolizing the joy and strength found in fostering strong connections and honoring shared experiences. A ‘personal is political’ mindset involves sharing experiences to highlight common struggles and build solidarity. 

This moon cycle, consider how the personal can be political. Tarot archetypes don’t merely represent individual experiences; they mirror our collective existence. While personal lives may seem stable, the world around us is filled with challenge and pain.

If you’re like me, you’re probably grieving the troubles we’re seeing in the world today, wondering how and when humanity will make necessary changes in support of collective wellbeing. Maybe you’re wondering when the collective will act in support programs and policies that could support you.

The interconnectedness of life means that justice is a collective endeavor. Through personal reflection, we gain insights that can spark global change. By delving into your internal world, you contribute to a larger transformation.

Discomfort over events you witness within your community and the world at large is valid. It’s a sign of empathy. Consider how your empathy can amplify justice—locally and globally. Consider how the personal is political.

In honor of this moon cycle’s intention and affirmation I have a call to action to share with you.

While my home resides on Cowlitz land, I also spend time on the traditional homelands of the Chinook. They are currently fighting for federal recognition.

Federal recognition carries substantial ramifications for tribal sovereignty, self-determination, and access to resources and support.

It would mean a lot to me if you could visit their website and sign the petition demanding federal recognition.

Don’t forget the Blooming Wand podcast!

Remember, you can take a deeper dive into our magical world by tuning in to the Blooming Wand podcast. It’s available on all the usual platforms – Amazon, Apple, and Spotify. Or click HERE to have a listen!

How’s it going in your world?

I’m curious! Where have you experienced the intersection of personal and political? Share your stories, insights, and thoughts – because I absolutely love hearing from you.

Until next time,



March 25th Full Moon Intention and Affirmation


February 24th Full Moon Intention & Affirmation