April 8th New Moon Intention and Affirmation

The new moon is upon us, so I have new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used the Smith Waite tarot deck, and we pulled the Page of Wands, the Seven of Cups, and the High Priestess. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: As a new beginning approaches, feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty can arise. At times like this, aligning with inspiration and intuition is helpful.

Affirmation: Inspiration and intuition show me the way.

Page of Wands: This card depicts a young person holding a staff, their hat is topped with a fiery flower or feather, and they stand confidently looking out at the world with an eager expression.

Representing new beginnings, enthusiasm, and the spark of inspiration, the Page of Wands signifies a willingness to take action and explore new possibilities. The Page can also represent a messenger or student eager to learn and grow.

Seven of Cups: This card depicts a figure standing amidst a field of seven chalices. Each chalice holds a different fantastical image, representing various temptations and desires. The figure appears lost in thought, unsure which cup to choose.

This archetype represents indecision, illusion, and a world of tempting possibilities. It suggests struggling to choose between different options or feeling overwhelmed by a range of desires. The Seven of Cups can also indicate a tendency to daydream or get lost in fantasies.

The High Priestess: This card depicts a veiled person seated between two pillars, representing conscious and unconscious realms. They hold a book on their lap, symbolizing hidden knowledge and wisdom. The moon is depicted at their feet, signifying psychic abilities. 

When settling into a new beginning it can be helpful to prioritize consistent quiet time alone. Lean into practices that support a relationship to intuition and your spiritual Self. Act on how you feel rather than what you think. This will be the secret to your success.

The High Priestess represents intuition, inner wisdom, and the mysteries of the unconscious mind. They can signify a time for introspection, connecting with your intuition, and accessing hidden knowledge within yourself. The card can also represent secrets, waiting to be revealed.

Considering these archetypes together, there's a sense of wanting to take action but being conflicted by multiple options suggesting the need to look within and tap into intuition to make the best choice. You might have a new idea or opportunity that excites you, but you're unsure of which direction to take. By quieting your mind and connecting with your inner wisdom, you can gain clarity and make a confident decision.

As I explored this moon cycle’s intention and affirmation I started to wonder, are intuition and inspiration the same thing? I see how intuition and inspiration are closely related, but I believe they have some subtle differences.

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling, a hunch, or an inner knowing that arises without conscious reasoning. It's a quick, non-rational message from your subconscious mind. It can nudge you towards a specific course of action or decision, warn you of potential dangers, or guide you towards opportunities. For example, you might have a sudden intuition to avoid a certain road, which later turns out to be blocked by an accident.

Inspiration often sparks creativity and ignites new ideas. It can come in the form of a sudden flash of insight, a burst of enthusiasm, or a strong urge to create something. It can evoke feelings of excitement, joy, or deep motivation and propel you to act. Inspiration turns ideas into reality. For example, listening to music, you might be inspired to write a poem or paint a picture.

Intuition whispers "what to do," while inspiration shouts "what to create! Intuition helps you navigate the world, while inspiration helps you shape it. Your intuition might guide you towards an experience that sparks inspiration. For instance, you might have an intuition to visit a museum, which then inspires you to create a piece of art.

Ultimately, both intuition and inspiration are valuable tools for navigating life and fostering creativity. By listening to both your gut feelings and your bursts of inspiration, you can move through life in a way that feels aligned with your true Self. This is probably why so many myths from across the world speak to intuition and inspiration.

Here are some examples:

  • The Muses in Greek mythology are the goddesses of inspiration in the arts and sciences. They are believed to bestow creative genius upon artists, poets, musicians, and philosophers. Invoking the Muses was a common practice before creative endeavors.

  • The Norns in Norse mythology are three goddesses who personify fate and destiny. However, they were also seen as weaving the fabric of reality, influencing events and inspiring heroes with courage and wisdom.

  • Cuchulainn, a legendary warrior in Irish mythology, possessed a heightened sense of intuition known as the "warp spasm." This precognitive ability allowed him to enter a trance-like state, granting him superhuman strength and battle prowess.

  • In the Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia, the hero embarks on a quest for immortality, guided by dreams and encounters with various deities. These experiences shape his journey and provide him with valuable insights.

Inspiration and intuition are such valuable tools that over time, they became woven within the myths and legends of almost all cultures. It’s not surprising to see that they are also woven into the tarot. There are many cards associated with each, making each a topic worth considering.

With that said, how have intuition and inspiration woven through your life? Here are some journal prompts to get you started.

  • Recall a time when you had a strong gut feeling about something, even if it didn't seem logical at the time. Did it turn out to be right? What did you learn from the experience?

  • Have you ever ignored an intuition and later regretted it? What made it difficult to listen to your gut feeling in that situation?

  • Think about a time you felt a sudden burst of inspiration for a creative project, a solution to a problem, or a new direction in life. What triggered the inspiration? How did you act upon it?

  • Have you ever had a recurring dream or image that felt significant? Did it spark any creative ideas or insights?

  • Consider times when you felt a deep connection to something larger than yourself – nature, a spiritual experience, or a piece of art. Did this connection spark any intuitive insights or creative ideas?

  • Have you ever had a "flow state" experience, where you felt completely absorbed in an activity and ideas flowed effortlessly? How did this feel and what did it lead to?

  • Reflect on a major life decision you made. Did intuition or inspiration play a role in the decision-making process? How did you weigh intuition and logic in your decision?

  • Think about a time you felt stuck or unsure of what to do next. Did you find any way to tap into your intuition for guidance? Did it help you move forward?

  • Spend some time meditating or journaling on the concept of intuition and inspiration. Ask yourself questions like: "What does intuition feel like for me?" or "What kind of situations spark my inspiration?

  • Create a "dream journal" or a space to record any recurring dreams or significant images that come to you. See if any patterns emerge or if they connect to any current situations in your life.

By reflecting on these prompts and journaling your experiences, you can gain a deeper understanding of how intuition and inspiration have shaped your journey.


April 23rd Full Moon Intention and Affirmation: Navigating Internal Conflict


March 25th Full Moon Intention and Affirmation