January 25th Full Moon Intention & Affirmation

The full moon is upon us, so I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used the Wild Unknown Tarot, and we pulled the Four of Wands, the Daughter of Wands (aka Page of Wands), and The Hermit. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: Time spent in quiet reflection allows for internal processing and integrating experiences. It creates sacred space where we can identify what’s working for us and what needs adjusting. That knowledge can then transform and inform our perspective moving forward.

Affirmation: I prioritize quiet reflection so I can commune with my inner flame.

A theme that immediately comes to mind when I look at these archetypes is the concept of the inner flame. This is a topic I love, and I’ll loop back to it shortly, but for now, let’s explore the cards one by one.

The Four of Wands symbolizes completion, remembrance, ceremony, and community. It suggests a time to acknowledge achievements, engage in communal activities or gatherings, and build lasting connections.

The presence of The Hermit contrasts this vibe by hinting at a need for personal reflection and quietude (I believe this can be done alone or within the embrace of community). It's a time to savor your accomplishments by turning inward so you can understand your journey thus far.

The Daughter of Wands embodies curiosity, exploration, spirituality, insight, and passion. Her presence during the full moon suggests a renewed sense of adventure and a willingness to embark on new challenges.

Again, when paired with the The Hermit there’s a reminder to seek inner guidance before leaping into the unknown. This is a time to connect to intuition (aka your inner flame) to ensure next steps are aligned with your authentic self.

Because it is a major arcana card, The Hermit has a powerful influence on the Four of Wands and Daughter of Wands, which are from the minor arcana. It is often associated with introspection, solitude, and seeking knowledge through self-reflection.

The Hermit often signifies a period of internal processing and integrating experiences. Combined with the celebratory energy of the Four of Wands and the adventurous spirit of the Daughter of Wands, this could indicate a time to reflect on recent triumphs and challenges, identify what served you well and what needs adjusting, and then use that knowledge to transform your perspective and approach moving forward.

The overall message seems to be a balance between celebrating achievements, taking time for introspection, and using inner wisdom to guide next steps. This full moon offers an opportunity to integrate what you've learned, honor your journey, and prepare for new beginnings with clear intention and an open heart. In other words, now is a great time to connect with your inner flame so you can let it illuminate your path.

The concept of the inner flame has a rich and diverse history, appearing across various cultures and philosophies throughout time. Many ancient myths depict fire as a source of life, creation, and inner power. Prometheus in Greek mythology stole fire from the gods, bringing light and knowledge to humanity.

Buddhist teachings emphasize the "inner fire" of mindfulness and awareness, while the Judaic Kabbalah explores the "divine spark" within each person. Sufism in Islam often uses the metaphor of the flame to represent the burning love for the divine.

On a more philosophical note, the Roman Stoics viewed the inner flame as the seat of reason and virtue, urging individuals to tend to it through self-discipline and wisdom. Renaissance thinkers revived the concept of the inner spark, emphasizing the potential and dignity of individual human beings.

Jungian psychology explores the concept of the "archetypal fire," symbolizing the vital energy and creative potential within the unconscious mind. The idea of the "inner flame" gained renewed popularity in the 20th century, and is often associated with personal growth, spirituality, and self-actualization.

Where do you encounter the concept of the inner flame? I just watched the movie Oppenheimer, which correlates to the story of Prometheus, so the concept feels close to me right now. I’m also reading Stone Blind, by Natalie Haynes. It’s a retelling of the tale of Medusa and I’m sensing a theme around inner flame and emotion.

It's important to note that the concept of the inner flame takes on different meanings and interpretations depending on the context in which it appears, but there are common threads. Here are a few.

  • Vitality and life force: The inner flame symbolizes the energy that drives us, motivates us, and keeps us alive.

  • Passion and creativity: It represents our internal fire, our source of inspiration, and our drive to manifest our desires.

  • Spirituality and self-awareness: The inner flame can be seen as a metaphor for our spiritual essence, urging us to connect with our deeper selves and purpose.

The enduring fascination with the inner flame reflects:

·      Our yearning for understanding.

·      The need to nurture internal energy.

·      The search for meaning and purpose.

·      A constant striving for personal growth and transformation.

No wonder it’s such a big theme in tarot!

Embracing stillness to connect with your inner flame doesn't have to be an arduous task. Here are some easy ways to incorporate it into your life, no matter how busy you are:

  • Begin with just 5-10 minutes of quiet time each day. Sit in a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

  • Take mini breaks to simply be present. Pause before checking your phone, while waiting in line, or during your commute. Take a few deep breaths and notice the world around you.

  • Stop and smell the roses, literally, or simply listen to the birds singing.

  • Disconnect from technology for a set period each day. Switch off your phone, close your laptop, and let yourself be present without the digital buzz.

  • Stretch and move your body. I like to do this while listening to music.

  • Engage in activities like coloring, journaling, or playing music to enter a state of flow and relaxation.

  • Designate a quiet corner in your home for reflection, with comfortable seating, soothing lighting, and calming scents.

  • Establish simple rituals around stillness, like lighting a candle or reading a few pages of a book before bed.

  • Declutter your physical and mental space to reduce distractions and create a sense of peace.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to embracing stillness. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. The key is to be kind to yourself, start small, and appreciate the benefits of even just a few moments of quietude in your day.

How’s it going in your world? Are you tending your inner flame?

Do share, you know I love to hear from you.


February 9th New Moon Intention & Affirmation


January 11th New Moon Intention & Affirmation