What is Concealed Will Be Revealed Tarot Spread and Journal


Embrace seasonal shifts and honor your connection to spring and summer. What has been concealed and what will be revealed as the Wheel of the Year turns?

Ready to discover what spring and summer hold for you? Let's explore what has been concealed and what will be revealed as the Wheel of the Year turns.

Spring equinox (Ostara) is March 21st and the summer solstice (Litha) is June 21st. This is a time to embrace awakenings, emergence, and the growing power of the sun.

Wondering what aspects of you will be on full display as the power of the sun reaches it's zenith on the longest day of the year? Let's dive in! Use this tarot spread to honor the shift in seasons as well as shifts in you, because when the seasons change, so do you!

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