September 29th Full Moon Intention & Affirmation

The full moon is here so I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. I used the Wild Unknown Tarot deck, and we pulled the Son of Pentacles, the Seven of Swords, and the Wheel of Fortune. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you. Let’s dive in!

Intention: It’s always nice when our instincts are clear and we feel a strong yes or no, but what about times you feel a mix of both? Let’s say twenty percent of you says no, and the other eighty percent says yes. What about times when its fifty-fifty and you’re presented with a stalemate?

While I love the clarity of a clear yes or no, I’m beginning to see value in circumstances that awaken uncertainty. When I take a broad view, I see that uncertainty is a sign of inner conflict, and inner conflict, with time and tending, can transition to inner dialogue.

I’d like to point out that inner conflict and inner dialogue feel very different. One creates tension and stress, the other feels open and curious. One feels like it opens a to door to possibility, clarity, and understanding, and the other doesn’t. What do you think?

Affirmation: I’m capable of making decisions and seizing opportunities even when I feel some uncertainty.

When I feel conflicted, I walk myself through a quick check in. First, I consider my values. Is the opportunity or situation in alignment with my values? Answering this question requires introspection and reflection and often involves answering questions like, “Does this resonate with my ethical framework?”

In other words, I determine if the opportunity or situation aligns with what I hold dear. When something resonates with my values, I get a sense of authenticity and fulfillment. In contrast, when things don’t, I feel conflicted and uncomfortable.

If I’m still on the fence after checking in with my values, I touch bases with the parts of me that are curious about the new situation or opportunity and the ones that aren’t. I tend to check in with the more nervous or concerned parts first.

To do this I sense where I feel the concerned part in my body, and I see if I can engage it from a place of compassion and curiosity. I ask the part of me that’s worried what it’s afraid of, and let the response naturally bubble up. Usually there’s concern about wasting time or money, making a mistake, hurting another person or myself, or ending up dissatisfied with my decision.

To address these worries, I invite the distressed parts of me to do a risk assessment. After listing out each concern, my worried parts and I analyze how likely it is that each will occur, and if they did, what the actual impact would be. Sometimes our fears seem bigger than they are, and this assessment can help determine whether we feel capable of moving forward, despite having some apprehension.

In many cases, my fears feel valid, but they aren’t likely to occur. Even if they did, it wouldn’t be as bad as I might anticipate. Other times my fears are not only valid, but very likely to occur, and should they indeed manifest, I’d be in a situation that’s not ideal. In these scenarios, the decision becomes clear. I don’t pursue the opportunity, and I make my decision without regret.

After checking in with the parts of me that are concerned or afraid, I take time to be with the parts of me that are open, even excited, about new opportunities. I engage them the same way I engage my worried parts. I invite them to share what it is about the opportunity that makes them feel it’s a good idea. I take time to be present for possibility, and I check in to see if I really believe these possibilities are attainable.

After following these three steps I might still feel a little confused, but I almost always have a sense of whether I’m ready to challenge my comfort zone or not. Often, I find myself stepping forward, even when I don’t feel one hundred percent ready.

I’ve always listened to my gut instincts. I love it when my intuition communicates loud and clear. But the reality is, we all encounter times when confusion and inner conflict set in. While they aren’t the preference, I have found that inner conflict gives me a chance to get to know myself better.

Usually, there are parts of me that want different things. Some might want to try new things, step out of the norm, or expand my horizons. Others just want to keep me safe and prefer the realm of the known to the unknown.

The truth is, both perspectives are valid. Spending time doing an internal audit gives each perspective a voice, and I would argue it’s more effective than any pro or con list.

Here's a quick recap of the internal audit process for times when you’re feeling conflicted.

Step 1: Check in with your values. Is the situation, event, or opportunity in alignment with what you hold dear and the intentions you hold for your life? Does it resonate with your ethical framework? If the answer is no, you have your answer.

Step 2: Have a meeting with your worried parts. What do they need you to know? What are they afraid of? Do a quick risk assessment by listing out your fears, calculate their probability, and determine the impact should they manifest. After doing this, check in. Do you feel capable of moving forward? What is your tolerance for uncertainty?

Step 3: Have a meeting with your excited parts. What makes this opportunity so appealing to them? What outcomes are they expecting and how likely are they? What’s the worst that would happen if the outcomes weren’t achieved? What would happen if they were? After doing this, check in again. Do you feel capable of moving forward?

Step 4: How did this process help you? Do you feel comfortable with moving forward, despite having some fear? Whatever the answer, trust yourself.

How’s it going in your world? Have you ever done something despite not feeling one hundred percent ready? What happened? Do share, you know I love to hear from you.

Excerpt from “Upon Waking”

From the book To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue

May my mind come alive today

To the invisible geography

That invites me to new frontiers,

To break the dead shell of yesterdays,

To risk being disturbed and changed.


May I have the courage today

To live the life that I would love,

To postpone my dream no longer

But to do at last what I came here for

And waste my heart on fear no more.


October 14th New Moon Intention & Affirmation


September 15th New Moon Intention & Affirmation