October 28th Full Moon Intention & Affirmation

The full moon is here so I have new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used the Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck and the Star Seeker tarot, and we pulled Nature, The Emperor, and The Ace of Cups. Be sure to look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: Incorporating nature into self-care practices is beneficial for many reasons. More and more these benefits are being backed by not only anecdotal evidence, but science as well. This moon cycle let’s explore how nature nurtures us. Perhaps in doing so we can rekindle a desire to nurture nature in return.

Affirmation: Nature nurtures me, and I nurture nature in return.

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world prompts a relaxation response in the brain, leading to decreased cortisol levels and a sense of calm. But it doesn’t stop there.

Our mental health can greatly benefit from time in nature. Natural surroundings and green spaces can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and mental fatigue. Exposure to green spaces has been linked to improved mood an increased sense of overall well-being.

Here’s a fun fact, in 1982 Tomohide Akiyama, Director of the Japanese Forestry Agency, coined the term “forest bathing” known as shinrin-yoku in Japanese. The practice of forest bathing was developed as a response to increasing urbanization and stress related health issues.

Since the 1980’s, forest bathing has become a popular research topic and is seen as a form of preventative care. If you haven’t been feeling good, going outside might literally be the medicine you need. My oldest sister always says, “There’s nothing a walk outside can’t fix.”

Your mental health isn’t the only part of you that benefits from time outside, your physical health will also improve. Activities like walking, hiking, or simply being in nature encourages movement. Many of us can use more movement in our lives. Adding some can be as easy as going outside and immersing oneself in the natural world.

What I love most about time in nature is that it seems to promote mindfulness and being present in the moment. Observing the natural world encourages me to focus on my surroundings. When I watch the birds, listen to the rustling of trees, and smell the scents of the seasons I am less likely to ruminate, and I often discover a sense of clarity and oneness.

When life feels out of control, when we’re suffering or in pain, nature can provide loving support. This is because nature grounds and centers awareness and energy. It reminds us that we are a part of a larger world. This provides a fresh perspective that helps us see our problems, feelings, and thoughts may not be as unmanageable as we think.  

Our troubles, like the seasons, will shift and change with time. The vastness of nature reminds us that we are not separate from it, and we remember we are part of a world wide web that has nothing to do with servers, computers, or the internet.

The natural world nurtures a sense of gratitude for life, for Mother Earth, for each other. When we spend time in nature, we enhance our awareness of the natural world. A byproduct of this is a desire to embrace sustainable practices, and a renewed commitment to honor a planet that cradles all forms of life.

We all need our great Mother Earth to live and thrive. When we step back, we can see she has provided us with everything we need, and more. Because of current lifestyles it's easy to think that we’re separate from nature. While that might seem true, I’d like to point out that for most of human history people have lived harmoniously with nature.

In her book Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer speaks of a reciprocal relationship between humankind and the natural world. This relationship, that until a few centuries ago, was the way of things.

To put it plainly, the urban lifestyle is a recent development. It was only a little over two centuries ago that the Industrial Revolution initiated a drastic shift by drawing people away from rural areas into more urban ones. This trend is still on the rise today, with more and more of us on the planet leaving behind lifestyles tied to the earth.  

None the less, our ancestral roots are deeply intertwined with the natural world, and though our surroundings have changed, our connection to the wild remains an essential part of who we are today and who we will become in the future. It is a thread that has shaped our evolution and will continue to do so. We are here, and we are one with nature.

How has nature healed you? In what ways do you incorporate a love of the natural world into your life?

Do share, you know I love to hear from you.


November 13th New Moon Intention & Affirmation


October 14th New Moon Intention & Affirmation