December 12th New Moon Intention & Affirmation

The new moon is here so I have a new tarot curated intention and affirmation for us to work with. This moon cycle I used the Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck and the Smith/Waite tarot, and we pulled the King of Wands, Intention, and the Knight of Swords. Be sure to have a look at the cards to see what they awaken in you, let’s dive in.

Intention: Depending on what’s going on in our lives, taking mindful action can be tough. In times of crisis, stress, or challenge we may feel the need to take immediate, and well-intended, action. While there are certainly moments where swift responses are needed, I’ve found that taking a moment to reflect is wise.

A tool that’s been helpful for me is working with intention. I’m always refining my intentions but mostly they are to be kind, honest, authentic, loving, honor nature and the earth, etc. When I’m finding mindful action difficult, I stop and look to my intentions. Is my desired action in alignment?

With that said, you know what? Every time I think about intentions, those quotes about how good intentions pave the way to hell always come to mind. I did a quick internet search and sure enough, there are quite a few quotes from well-known writers talking about the dangers of good intentions.

English writer Samuel Johnson gets credit for the phrase, “Hell is paved with good intentions.” While T.S. Eliot is attributed with the saying, “Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.” To me, this indicates that working with intention can be tricky.

Affirmation: I hone my intentions often to ensure they are aligned with core values and minimize harm to self and others.

Acting with intent is certainly helpful, after all it brings purpose and direction to our lives. Yet without reflection and adjustment, intentions can do more harm than good. Failure to reflect can lead to misalignment between intention and core values, harmful behavioral patterns, and overlooking the needs or perspectives of others.

Despite the challenges that working with intention can bring, I still believe it’s a helpful tool. When we set our intention and cultivate the qualities we wish to embody in our lives, a natural consequence is clarity.

Our actions become more efficient because they are directed toward a specific purpose. This minimizes distractions and efforts that aren’t aligned. We become focused on what truly matters and are better able to prioritize tasks and decisions.

Intentions are guiding principles, aiding in decision-making by aligning choices with overarching goals. Through intentional action, we learn and grow, evolving in ways that are in line with our values and aspirations. It prompts awareness of the present moment and our actions within it. I’ve found that working with intention paves the way for desired outcomes through focused efforts. 

I invite you to consider these factors to ensure your intentions align with personal values and don’t cause harm.

  • Start by identifying core values. Are your intentions in line with these values? Consider integrity, empathy, compassion, and respect for others.

  • Evaluate potential consequences. Will your actions harm others or yourself? Assess the impact on different stakeholders to ensure it's positive or neutral. Step outside the box of your personal experience and consider that of others.

  • Compare your intention with the potential outcome. Are they congruent? Ensure that the desired outcome aligns with your values and doesn't contradict your intentions.

  • Discuss your intentions with trusted friends, mentors, or advisors. Their perspectives can shed light on blind spots or unintended consequences you might have missed.

  • Cultivate mindfulness and empathy. Consider how your intentions might be perceived by others and whether they respect their autonomy and well-being.

  • Assess your personal integrity. Are your intentions consistent with who you aim to be? Ensure they reflect your true self and aren't driven by external pressures or conflicting interests.

  • Consider the long-term impact of your intentions. Will they lead to sustainable positive outcomes, or are they short-sighted and potentially harmful in the future?

  • Strive for balance and harmony between personal aspirations and collective well-being. Ensure your intentions respect the rights and needs of others.

  • Continuously reassess your intentions. If circumstances change or new information arises, be open to adapting your intentions to maintain alignment with your values and prevent harm.

You know I love working with intention. If you’ve ever had a session with me you’ve heard me say, “What intentions guide you? What qualities do you wish to cultivate in your life? How might understanding each be helpful?”

To give more context to this week’s intention and affirmation I thought it might be helpful to talk about examples of good intentions gone wrong. I dive into these examples on the podcast, so do have a listen. It’ll get your gears turning.

How’s it going in your world? Ever had an intention produce unwanted consequences? Have you even been on the receiving end of a good intention gone wrong?

Do share, you know I love to hear from you.


Embracing Darkness: Reflections on the Winter Solstice


November 27th Full Moon Intention & Affirmation